“Despite Canada’s reputation for promoting multiculturalism and diversity...Canada’s history of enslavement, racial segregation, and marginalization, has had a deleterious impact on people of African descent...”
United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent
What is Anti-Black Racism?
Anti-Black Racism includes prejudice, attitudes, beliefs, stereotyping, and discrimintation directed at people of African descent. We see it in the policies and practices rooted in Canada. We see it in institutions like education, health care, and justice. Anti-Black racism is more than just the overt and obvious but it is also in the more covert and subtle abuses. It includes stereotyping, attitudes and microaggressions. It is the horrible and unfortunately true stories we share about the mistreatment Black people receive at the doctor’s office, in the school office and even at the supermarket. It is very real.
How does it show up?
It is often erroneously assumed that racism existed in another time or in another place, but surely not in Canada. While the reality is that anti-Black racism is entrenched in Canadian institutions and practices. It continues to restrict access to housing, employment, education and true justice. Anti-Black racism deeply impacts Black families and is evident in the higher suspension rates of Black students and the over-representation of Black children in the child welfare system.
Anti-Black racism is the over-policing of Black neighbourhoods. Anti-Black racism is the dismissiveness from health care professionals. Anti-Black racism is the streaming of Black students into applied courses and programs. Anti-Black racism is the lack of Black representation in various professional fields.
Anti-Black Racism Educators & Resources
Ottawa-Gatineau Region
Justice for Abdirahman is an Ottawa based group supported by local and national advocacy groups. The objective of the coalition’s campaign is to obtain greater transparency, challenge racial inequity, and bring positive change in order to secure justice for the late Abdirahman Abdi and his family
Parents for Diversity is a collective of parents committed to achieving inclusive and non-discriminatory learning environments that allow children to fulfill their true potential in this world.
Ottawa Black Educators Network is a group of dedicated Black educators working together to support and empower the development and well being of each other and our students.
The Administrators’ Black Caucus of Ontario (ABC), is an affinity space for Principals, Vice Principals and educators who self identify as Black or of Black African descent. ABC’s Mission is to lead transformational change in education policies, systems and affiliates across Ontario in service Black students, community, staff and administrators.
The Quebec Board of Black Educators (QBBE) is a learning and research institution committed to the pursuit of excellence in educational opportunities for multicultural/intercultural communities.
Take a look at this snapshot of Anti-Black Racism on Neighbourhood Equity Index's website. It gives a great picture of what the current situation is for the Black Community in the Ottawa-Gatineau region.
Experiences Canada has an excellent toolkit, with learning resources that can support BLM/Anti-Racism Conversations.
The Guide to Allyship is open source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally. It was started by a queer Black femme but many voices have shaped this guide, and it doesn’t get into specifics: racism, transphobia, gender discrimination, etc. by design.
Understanding and applying the authentic language of the individuals and communities with whom we work can be a revolutionary act in itself. Check out this Progressive Style Guide created by Sum of Us.
Helping Hands created this helpful resource guide to Anti-Black Racism & support for Black youth and allies.
Urban Alliance on Race Relations is a non-profit charitable organization that works primarily and proactively with the community, public and private sectors to provide educational programs and research, which are critical in addressing racism in society.
Black Liberation Collective is an international movement of students challenging anti-Black racism in post-secondary institutions in every way that it manifests.
Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society (CAERS) is non-profit that tracks and monitors hate group activity, provides victim support services, provides public education about institutional racism, help youth leave hate groups, advocate for legislative change to help stop systemic racism and more.
Talking to kids about Racism
What Canadian Kids should know about #BlackLivesMatter
30 Books to help you talk to your kids about racism
How to talk to kids about race, and why you should start now
Talking to your kids about racism
Raising race conscious children
Desmond and the Very Mean Word by Desmond Tutu
Chimamanda Adichie: The Danger of a Single Story
Learn more
Brown, D. “Teachers should be Activists.” Ottawa Magazine, 16 Nov. 2020
Cole.”The Skin We're In” - clip on systemic racism. CBC Firsthand. 90th Parallel Productions. 2017. The Entire Documentary
Ontario Government. “Ontario’s Anti-Black-Racism Strategy,” Ontario Government, 2017.
Paradkar, Shree. “ ‘Your name is too difficult.’ What a school’s hidden curriculum is telling students.” Thestar.com, The Star, 14 Sept. 2019.
Eliminating Anti-Black Racism
Anti-Black Racism is on everyone of us to fight. It is a systemic problem, and therefore requires a systemic solution. This means that all levels of government, institutions, businesses, schools, healthcare, social service and community agencies and individuals need to be involved in the elimination of Anti-Black Racism.